源码简介: |
在“基本信息管理”中添加管操作员信息、商品信息、库存信息及供应商信息。在“入库管理”中添加商品入库信息,也可以添加入库退货信息。在“库存管理”中可设置商品的库存上下限、库存调拨、库存出库等信息。在“查询管理”中可查询商品入库信息、出库信息及报损|报益信息。-The pipe operator information, product information, inventory information and vendor information is added to the basic information management. Add storage management the commodity storage of information, and can also added warehousing return information. Goods inventory on the lower limit can be set in the inventory management, inventory allocation, inventory the library and other information. Query Management query the commodity storage of information, the library information and damage has been reported | reported beneficial information.