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源码名称: TWCMS_v1.1_20130403
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: C++ Builder
源码分类: PropertySheet
文件大小: 1206 KB
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源码作者 : 雷晨杰
整理时间: 2013-09-12
源码简介: 通王网站内容管理系统(TWCMS),由中国首家网络营销策划机构通王科技推出,基于PHP+MySQL的技术架构,完全开源加上强大稳定的技术架构,使你无论是目前打算做个小型网站,还是想让网站在不断壮大后仍能得到随意扩充都有充分的保证。 ・超强负载能力,可支持百万PV-Tong Wang web content management system (TWCMS), the first by a Chinese king of internet marketing planning agencies through technology is introduced, based PHP+MySQL technical architecture, completely open source technology coupled with a strong and stable framework within which you intend to be present either small sites, or let the site continue to grow even after the expansion has been free to fully guaranteed. Super load capacity, can support one million PV

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