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HRMS(Human Resource Management System:人力资源管理系统)的发展历史可以追溯到20世纪60年代末期。由于当时计算机技术已经进入实用阶段,同时大型企业用手工来计算和发放薪资既费时费力又非常容易出差错,为了解决这个矛盾,第一代的人力资源管理系统应运而生。当时由于技术条件和需求的限制,用户非常少,而且那种系统充其量也只不过是一种自动计算薪资的工具,既不包含非财务的信息,也不包含薪资的历史信息,几乎没有报表生成功能和薪资数据分析功能。但是,它的出现为人力资源的管理展示了美好的前景,即用计算机的高速度和自动化来替代手工的巨大工作量,用计算机的高准确性来避免手工的错误和误差,使大规模集中处理大型企业的薪资成为可能。-HRMS (Human Resource Management System: Human Resource Management System) development history can be traced back to the late 1960s. At that time, computer technology has entered the practical stage, while large enterprises by hand calculation and payment of salaries to both time-consuming and very easy to go wrong, in order to resolve this conflict, the first generation of human resource management system came into being. At that time due to technical conditions and demand constraints, users are very small, and that the system at best is only a tool to automatically calculate payroll, contains neither non-financial information, nor does it include salary history information, almost no report generation functions and payroll data analysis. However, it appears as a human resource management shows a bright future, which uses the computer' s speed and automation to replace manual enormous workload, high accuracy using a computer to avoid manual errors and error, so that large-scale cent