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源码名称: shop-6.02
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: ASP
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 2412 KB
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整理时间: 2013-01-03
源码简介: 以前企业建网站,需要请人制作。不但时间长、麻烦多、价格高,日后需要请人维护网站,非常麻烦! 现在好了,您可以通过,自助网站平台”方便地建立网站;强大的网站管理系统,只要会打字,就可随时管理网站内容! 只要您会打字就可轻松拥有一个属于自己的商务网站,全方位展示你的产品,在线订购,轻松管理。网上创业就是这么简单!您还犹豫什么?-site before construction enterprises needed to be produced. Not a long time, trouble, high prices, the future need to ask the people to maintain websites, very trouble! Now all of you can, self-help website platform "to facilitate the establishment of website; Powerful Web site management system, so long as typing, can be ready to manage site content! As long as you can be typed easily own a business website, displayed in all aspects of your products, online ordering , making it easy to manage. Internet start-ups is simple! what you hesitant

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