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源码名称: Delphi进销存程序设计附书源码
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Delphi
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 2573 KB
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源码作者 : 侯晓鹏
整理时间: 2013-01-03
源码简介: 一套融入了系统营销管理思想的管理软件产品,是在进行了多年开发管理软件系统的基础上,总结经验,提炼出来的。它是建立在成熟的企业数据模型,权限模型的基础上,完成企业的营销管理,企业的营销管理模式,如推或“拉”的模式,应在本系统中得到体现-set into the thinking of marketing management systems management software products, is conducting a multi-year development and management of software systems on the basis of summing up experiences, the extract. It is established in a mature enterprise data model, the model of competence on the basis of the enterprise marketing management, enterprise marketing management modes, such as pushing or "pull" mode, the system should be demonstrated

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