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源码名称: ProductoinManagementSystem
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: CSharp
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 798 KB
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整理时间: 2013-01-19
源码简介: 订单处理、生产计划、物料需求、原材料采购、库存控制、车间管理直到产品销售的整个生产管理过程以及相关的成本核算,为企业提供高效的管理工具。 1.适用对象: 企业生产管理系统是专门针对中小型生产制造类企业的产品,可以有效提升企业竞争力.-Order processing, production planning, material requirements, raw material procurement, inventory control, shop management until the sale of products throughout the production management process and the associated cost accounting so as to provide efficient management tool. 1. The application of object: enterprise production management systems specifically targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises manufacturing products, can effectively enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.

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