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源码名称: gwqsxtzfb
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: ASP
源码分类: Goverment application
文件大小: 3120 KB
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源码作者 : coldmoon
整理时间: 2013-01-10
源码简介: 《公文签收系统完美增强版V2.0》- 政府版网上公文发布签收管理系统功能简介:1. 发布公文:可以选择所有人或指定部门、个人进行签收。2. 签收公文:签收公文后记录签收信息,实时显示签收状态。3. 涉密公文:选择特定的部门、个人签收,其他人无权查看。4. 附件公文:可以在公文内增加附件5. 置顶公文:可以对公文进行置顶操作6. 公文管理:修改、置顶、删除等操作进行分级认证。7. 用户管理:用户所属单位、所属部门、拥有权限可单独划分。-" Official sign for the perfect system enhanced version V2.0" - the government version of online document management system released Introduction signed: 1. Published documents: the option of the owner or designated sector, individuals sign. 2. Sign documents: sign documents signed after the record information, real-time display sign for the state. 3. Secret document: Select a specific sector, the individual sign, the other person is not entitled to view. 4. Annex documents: documents can be added to Annex 5. Top official: You can operate on the documents to Top 6. Document Management: Modify, top, delete operations, such as grading certification. 7. User Management: User-owned units, the department has a separate division of authority can be.

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