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源码名称: ObjectTrackingAndOptimalThresholding
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: matlab
源码分类: Goverment application
文件大小: 100 KB
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源码作者 : Swati
整理时间: 2013-01-10
源码简介: The application works with non-compressed grayscale AVI files. Run mainGUI.p. Load AVI file first using "Load". To process the next frame use "Step". To run the application until stop, use "Run" and "Stop". You can draw the tracking object using mouse at any step. You can use the function on_threshold separately: thresholded image = on_threshold(double( grayscale image ),1,number of thresholds)thresholds value = on_threshold(double( grayscale image ),0, number of thresholds)All the code provided is written in Matlab language (M-files and/or M-functions), with no dll or other protected parts of code (P-files or executables). The code was developed with Matlab 14 SP1. Matlab Image Processing Toolbox is required.

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