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源码名称: shebeiguanli
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: C#
源码分类: SQL Server
文件大小: 564 KB
热    度:
源码作者 : xiaoliu
整理时间: 2013-09-10
源码简介:   本项目以学校的设备信息管理为依托,结合信息化技术,设计并开发一个网络设备信息管理系统,提供一个信息更新便捷、管理方便、功能设置合理的设备信息管理解决方案。 针对网络中心大量的设备信息,就设备管理的几个方面,提供一个功能操作方便、功能实用,能满足网络中心对网络设备使用进行信息管理的系统平台。-The project to rely on school facilities information management, combined with information technology, design and development of a network device information management system, to provide an information update convenient, easy management, the feature set reasonable equipment information management solutions. For a large number of network-centric device information, device management aspects, there is provided a function easy to operate, functional and practical, to meet the network-centric information management system platform for network equipment.

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  • shebeiguanli
  • yiyuanshebeiguanli
  • shujucangkujishuzaiqiyeshebeiguanlixitongzhongdeyi
  • liuchengqiyeshebeiguanlixitongdeshejiyushixian
  • dianqishebeiguanlixitong
  • shebeiguanli
  • jspshebeiguanlixitong

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