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源码名称: Hotel-Restaurant-Management
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: SQL Server
文件大小: 3625 KB
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源码作者 : 陈晓磊
整理时间: 2013-09-10
源码简介: 一个大学餐厅的管理系统,采用ACCESS作为数据库,桌号管理,点击桌号可查看菜谱菜价等。本系统分四个大模板:前台销售、统计报表、基础资料、系统维护等,每个模板下面又分了若干小功能模块。-A university restaurant management system, using ACCESS as database, table number management, click on the table number to view recipes vegetable prices. The four template in the system: front sales, statistical reports, basic information, and system maintenance the each template below is divided into several functional modules.

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