源码名称: |
JSPStudent-system |
文件类型: |
.zip |
源码类型: |
Java |
源码分类: |
Jsp/Servlet |
文件大小: |
15590 KB |
热 度: |
℃ |
源码作者 : |
李海 |
整理时间: |
2013-09-08 |
源码简介: |
本系统能够实现学生信息的管理、学生学籍的管理、学生奖罚的管理和学生课程的管理,除此之外还为用户提供了娱乐游戏和使用帮助两个模块-This system able to achieve student information' s management, student student status' s management, student reward and punishment' s management and student curriculum the management of, in addition Huan provides users with a entertainment games and Using Help two modules
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