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  heng7.zip 2013-01-02 2530 KB
ASP程序实现的酒店预定系统,仅供学习,不做其他使用!-ASP program hotel reservation systems, is for learning, not to other users.
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:Hotel software system
  chaoshiguanlicky.zip 2013-01-02 2679 KB
超市管理系统,界面简洁,功能强大,适用于大中型超市。-supermarket management system, the interface is simple and powerful, applicable to large and medium-sized supermarkets.
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:Hotel software system
  hotelsleep.zip 2013-01-02 41 KB
宾馆住宿管理系统,包括住宿登记,计费,退房,查看当前空房等功能.-guesthouse accommodation management system, including the hotel registration, billing, checkout, check the current availability, and other f
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Hotel software system
  HotelManagementSystem_v0.3.zip 2013-01-02 2529 KB
酒店管理系统, 拥有具体的酒店管理的流程-hotel management system with the specific hotel management process
源码类型:ASP             源码分类:Hotel software system
  VCjiudianguanlixitong.zip 2013-01-02 6423 KB
用VC写的酒店管理系统.完整代码.可编译运行-VC wrote hotel management system. Integrity code. Compiler can run.
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Hotel software system
  Hexbin.zip 2013-01-02 9 KB
将HEX文件转换为BIN文件直接写入芯片或传输,可以用UE汉化,使用更加方便-to HEX conversion of paper documents directly into the BIN or transmission chip that can be used UE signified. the use of more convenie
源码类型:DOS             源码分类:Hotel software system
  Soft20060112.zip 2013-01-02 163 KB
宾馆管理系统-Hotels Management System
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Hotel software system
  jiudiansl.zip 2013-01-02 2083 KB
酒店业务管理系统在编译、运行程序之前,请将所附的数据库文件rms.mdb导入SQL server中,并将此数据库命名为RMS。具体操作步骤可以参见书中这一章的相关小节。若没有安装SQL server,也可以直接在控制面板中将此数据库文件
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Hotel software system
  hotel_manger_system.zip 2013-01-02 236 KB
VC开发的酒店管理系统,支持房间管理,定单管理等基本功能,比较适合初学者参考,-VC development of the hotel management systems, room management support, order management and other basic functions, more suitable
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Hotel software system
  2006120314544029817.zip 2013-01-02 820 KB
C#进销存系统,WinForm与SQLServer开发,配有数据库文件,1、把goods数据库附加在SQL SERVER中。2、连接数据库的登录账号为:J110,登录密码:654321。3、数据库连接字串:Server=localhost uid=sa pwd=123456 database=goods。
源码类型:CSharp             源码分类:Hotel software system
  xch.zip 2013-01-02 2219 KB
饭店餐饮管理系统的设计,包括前台管理,后台管理,财务管理,系统管理,应收应付管理-Hotel Restaurant Management system design, including the future management, background, financial management, systems management
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Hotel software system
  hotelorderbeta2.zip 2013-01-02 4501 KB
我和同学一起开发编写的最终测试版本,主要是用于宾馆的客房管理,就是需要一些手动设置,需要一定的时间-my classmates in the development and preparation of the final test version is mainly for the management of
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Hotel software system
  jiudianneibuguanlixitong.zip 2013-01-02 247 KB
酒店内部管理系统asp.net 开源源代码.采用asp.net+sql c#开发.非常适合学习-hotel management system within the province opened Asp. Net code. Using Asp. Net sql c# opening fat. very suitable for learning
源码类型:CSharp             源码分类:Hotel software system
  Hotel1.3.zip 2013-01-02 4906 KB
酒店管理软件,c#版本可以选择不同的模式-hotel management software, c# version can choose different patterns
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:Hotel software system
  Guesthouseguestroommanagementsystem.zip 2013-01-02 767 KB
宾馆客房管理系统,VB和ACESS数据库,系统较大,内容较细!毕业设计专用的!-Hotels Rooms management system, VB and Acess database, a larger system, as smaller! Graduation special!
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Hotel software system
  hotel_manage_8.zip 2013-01-02 35 KB
酒店管理系统,VB+ACCESS。包括对客人登记信息的查询;对酒店人员的值班管理;对酒店人员信息的增减。-hotel management system, VB ACCESS. Guests include registration information on the inquiry; On the hotel staff
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Hotel software system
  2007031612400717949.zip 2013-01-02 1818 KB
宾馆客房管理系统,功能强大,界面美观,全部delphi源代码-Hotels Rooms management system, powerful, beautiful interface, all of the source code delphi
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:Hotel software system
  jincuangdatabase.zip 2013-01-02 291 KB
自著的京川宾馆上网管理系统的数据库,可以结合jincuangpowercode.rar使用。-to Jing Chuan hotel Internet Management System database, can be combined jincuangpowercode.rar use.
源码类型:PowerBuilder             源码分类:Hotel software system
  jincuangpowercode.zip 2013-01-02 5281 KB
自著的京川宾馆上网管理系统的PB源代码,其中包括一套非常好用的自定义类库,可以结合jincuangdatabase.rar使用。-to Jing Chuan hotel Internet Management System PB source code. including a very handy definitio
源码类型:PowerBuilder             源码分类:Hotel software system
  code999hotel.zip 2013-01-02 2222 KB
针对大型酒店管理系统 应用在很多酒店 客房 公司员工管理 都包括了 数据库为 SQL -against major hotel management system used in many hotel rooms and staff management, including the database for SQL
源码类型:PowerBuilder             源码分类:Hotel software system
  cyadministrator.zip 2013-01-02 910 KB
商业饭店管理系统,主要负责管理餐饮工作,实现酒店现代化管理.-commercial hotel management system, mainly responsible for the management of Food, Hotel realize modern management.
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Hotel software system
  HotelManger.zip 2013-01-02 1087 KB
酒店管理系统。可对酒店的各项任务分配管理,和客房管理。-hotel management system. The hotel can be right all the tasks assigned management, and Rooms Management.
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Hotel software system
  VF6hotl.zip 2013-01-02 906 KB
简单的酒店管理源码+文论 适合课程设计和毕业类的 仅做参考-simple hotel management source text for courses on the design and the graduate category for reference only
源码类型:VFP             源码分类:Hotel software system
  ddvip_com_0020253fff20bd.zip 2013-01-02 35 KB
完整的宾馆管理系统代码,可以学习,大家可以放心下载。-integrity of the hotel management system code, we can learn from, we can be assured download. Ha ha
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Hotel software system
  CHAP0dd8.zip 2013-01-02 35 KB
酒店管理系统,用VB实现,代码很容易很简单很好用,无错误-hotel management system, using VB, the code is very simple very easy good use of strict
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Hotel software system
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  7. 20067291668561
  8. HotelMis
  9. Cmsez
  10. reservation