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源码名称: MyRestaurant
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Java
源码分类: Hotel software system
文件大小: 5145 KB
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源码作者 : 味道
整理时间: 2013-01-10
源码简介: 酒店管理系统的需求包括开台点菜功能、智能化获取菜品功能、自动结账功能、营业额报表功能等。依据餐饮行业的特点,本系统实现以下目标: 操作简单方便、界面简洁大方。 方便快捷的开台点菜功能。 智能化定位菜品的功能。 快速查看开台点菜信息的功能。 自动结账功能。 按开台和商品实现的日结账功能。 按日消费额汇总统计实现的月结账功能。 按日营业额实现的年结账功能。 系统运行稳定、安全可靠。 -The needs of hotel management system, including the Founding order functions, intelligent access to dishes, auto closing feature, turnover report functions. Based on the characteristics of food and beverage industry, the system achieve the following objectives:  simple operation, the interface simple and generous.  convenient Founding order functions.  dishes intelligent positioning function.  Quick View Founding order information functions.  Automatic checkout function.  Founding and commodities according to the daily checkout features.  daily spending bill monthly summary statistics to achieve function.  daily turnover achieved in closing function.  system is stable, safe and reliable.

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