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源码名称: feijiechukaduxieDemo
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: Hotel software system
文件大小: 25 KB
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源码作者 : 111111
整理时间: 2013-01-02
源码简介: IC卡读写程序概述 随着大厦租户车辆的大量增加,为使大厦地下停车场安全、快捷运转,配备一套完善的停车场管理的软硬件系统,从而达到停车场有条不乱的运行,给大厦租户带来方便。 面对如何正确计算车辆停泊的时间、次数等问题,以往人们曾使用条码卡和磁卡等进行管理,但都在防伪,信息流失以及实际使用等方面存在诸多不尽人意之处。智能卡以其方便、可*、高保密度等优越性能,解决了以往停车场的诸多问题,使管理步入智能化、科学化。 -IC card reader with the building tenants of the procedures outlined in a significant increase in vehicles, in order to enable building an underground car park safe, efficient operation, equipped with a comprehensive car park management software and hardware systems, so as to achieve the car park does not have chaotic operation bring convenience to the building tenants. The face of how to correctly calculate the time for parking of vehicles, the number of such issues, people in the past has been the use of bar codes and magnetic cards, such as management, but in security, information loss, as well as actual use and there exist many of the unsatisfactory. Smart card for its convenience, can be*, the superiority of the high degree of confidentiality can solve many problems before the car park, into the intelligent management and scientific.

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