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源码名称: webrenshiguanlixitong
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Java
源码分类: Hotel software system
文件大小: 11 KB
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源码作者 : jiafeimao
整理时间: 2013-01-02
源码简介: 酒店管理是酒店企业内部很重要的一个管理事项,但目前大多公司内部人事的管理,基本上是手工操作或是基于dos下的应用,这样对信息的管理者有诸多不便,有的虽然是用foxpro、visualfoxpro开发,但由于开发工具本身的限制,对网络功能的支持程度不是很强,为以后软件升级到互联网带来了麻烦。因此有必要开发一个基于网络的酒店管理系统,能在网络环境下实现数据的录入、插入、删除、查询、统计、更新、打印等功能。同时,为了信息的保密与安全,系统还要提供一定的安全机制。-hotel management is in the hotel business within a very important management issues. but most of the company's personnel management is basically manual or on the application dos, this right to information managers with a lot of inconvenience, and some is used foxpro. visualfoxpro development, but the development tools of its own limitations. the network function is not very strong level of support, software upgrades for the future of the Internet into trouble. Therefore it is necessary to develop a network-based hotel management system in the network environment can achieve data entry, insert, delete, inquiries, statistics, updating, printing. Meanwhile, in order to the confidentiality of information and security, the system must also provide the security mechanism.

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