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源码名称: HaoTianVodPlayerVer808
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: Hotel software system
文件大小: 4420 KB
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源码作者 : 李明杰
整理时间: 2013-03-27
源码简介: 昊天vod点播810版核心程序,应用directshow编程技术,对爱好多媒体编程的或是专业VOD工程人员都有一定的参考价值,随源码一并发布声道Filter(HtAudio.Ax),应用时将HtAudio.Ax拷贝到SYSTEM32目录下并注册。注册方法:regsvr32 HtAudio.Ax-Vod Haotian 810 on-demand version of the core procedures, application programming DirectShow technology, multimedia-loving VOD programming or professional engineering staff has a certain reference value, issued in conjunction with the source-channel Filter (HtAudio.Ax), Application HtAudio.Ax when copied to the SYSTEM32 directory and register. Registration: regsvr32 HtAudio.Ax

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