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源码名称: cygl
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: Hotel software system
文件大小: 594 KB
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源码作者 : yingying
整理时间: 2013-03-27
源码简介: 本系统是餐饮管理系统系统介绍“民以食为天”,随着人民生活水平的提高,餐饮业在服务行业中的地位越来越重要。从激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,已成为每位餐饮业经营者所追求的目标。根据餐饮行业的特点,该系统以餐饮业务为基础,突出前台管理,从专业角度出发,提供科学有效的管理模式。点菜收银管理可实现点菜、结账、清台。进货管理可记录商品入库情况。点菜收银、营业分析、库房管理的有机结合,可为酒店经营方向提供依据,为酒店餐馆的发展提供重要保证-Food & Beverage Management System Manual Help System Introduction "Hunger breeds", as the people s living standards improve, food and beverage industry in the service industry is becoming more and more important. From the fierce competition has become the operator of each food and beverage industry, the objectives pursued. According to the characteristics of food and beverage industry, the system-based food and beverage operations, highlight the Front Desk management, from a professional perspective, the provision of scientific and effective management. Order to achieve order and cashier management, checkout, money Units. Record purchase merchandise storage management situation. A la carte cash register, business analysis, treasury management, organic combination of the direction for the hotel operators to provide a basis for the hotel restaurant provides an important guarantee for the development.

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