源码名称: |
miniRestaurantManagement |
文件类型: |
.zip |
源码类型: |
Java |
源码分类: |
Hotel software system |
文件大小: |
14800 KB |
热 度: |
℃ |
源码作者 : |
caiyuanrui |
整理时间: |
2013-03-27 |
源码简介: |
为了提高饭店员工之间的协调工作的效率,开发了饭店管理系统,使得前台服务员、厨师、后台服务员之间的协调趋向于无缝。尽量缩短员工的协作时间,为顾客提供快速优质的服务。 饭店的管理系统,有多个前台服务员,多个厨师小组,多个后台服务小组,每个厨师小组在某一个上课只能处理一个订单,每个后台服务员小组在某个时刻只能处理一个订单。管理员可以检查雇员的工作状态,管理菜单。-In order to improve coordination between the hotel employee work efficiency and the development of the hotel management system, allowing front desk attendants, cooks, waiters background tend to seamless coordination between the. Minimize staff collaboration time, to provide customers with fast quality service. Hotel management system, there are several prospects attendant, a number of chefs panel, a number of back-office services group, each chef team in a particular school can only deal with a orders, each back-waiter group at some point, can only deal with a orders . Administrators can check the working status of employees, management menu.
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