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源码名称: hotel_restaurant_management_system
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: ADO-ODBC
文件大小: 6416 KB
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源码作者 : 肖涵
整理时间: 2013-03-27
源码简介: 实现了酒店餐饮管理系统,具体包括:前台营业(点菜、收银、预定及每日营业初始化和员工交接班);营业设置(菜式酒品、员工资料等数据库的添加、删除和修改等);营业分析和财务查询;系统管理(系统信息、系统维护和网络管理等)-In hotel restaurant management system, including: the outlook for business (a la carte, cash register, book and daily business initialized and the staff shift change) business settings (dishes wine, staff information and other databases to add, delete and modify etc.) business analysis and financial inquiries system management (system information, system maintenance and network management, etc.)

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