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源码名称: Hotel-Management-Information-System
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Visual Basic
源码分类: Hotel software system
文件大小: 3684 KB
热    度:
源码作者 : Nicovk
整理时间: 2013-03-27
源码简介: 酒店管理信息系统是在对酒店的日常运作进行综合的调查的基础上开发出来的一套系统。主要包括客房资源,顾客信息,结算信息进行管理,利用酒店管理信息系统及时了解各个环节中信息的变更,有利用提高管理效率。-Hotel management information system is in the hotel s daily operation of a comprehensive survey on the basis of the development of a system. Rooms include resources, customer information, billing information management, use of hotel management information system to keep abreast of changes in all aspects of the information, is used to improve management efficiency.

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  • Hotel-Management-System
  • Hotel-management-system
  • hotel-management
  • Bill-hotel-management-system
  • Hotel-management
  • hotel-management
  • CSharp-Hotel-management-system-
  • Hotel-Manage-System
  • hotel-managment

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