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源码名称: bookshelf
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Visual Basic
源码分类: Home Personal application
文件大小: 13 KB
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源码作者 : 刘杰
整理时间: 2013-01-17
源码简介: 简易的VB家庭书架程序,Access数据库,使用数据库的强力组合分析功能,来整理家庭书籍信息。比如某本书已经出借,就把这条记录显示为红色,条理更清淅起来,同时本程序也适合刚接触VB的初学者学习数据库操作-Simple VB family bookshelf program, Access database, use database features a powerful combination of analysis, to organize the family book information. Example, has lent a book, put this record is displayed as red, up structured more clear mission, while this process is also suitable for beginners new to VB database operations

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