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  IEC-104.rar 2013-01-12 341 KB
电力系统SCADA系统通用104接口源代码(这可是商业级代码)[A]Z-IEC-104-Universal Power Systems SCADA system interface to the source code 104 (this is business-level code) [A] Z-IEC-104
源码类型:Delphi             源码分类:Energy industry
  guancexitong-vb1.rar 2013-01-12 108 KB
石油天然气勘探中地震勘探用观测系统源码,很实用-Petroleum and natural gas exploration in seismic observation system source code, very practical
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Energy industry
  guancexitong-vb2.rar 2013-01-12 98 KB
石油天然气勘探中的观测系统源代码,非常实用-Oil and gas exploration in the observational system source code, very useful
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Energy industry
  AVR_mega16.rar 2013-01-12 122 KB
对电压电流采样,计算相位差后通过投切电容器进行电路补偿,提高电路传输效率.-Of voltage and current sampling, the calculation after phase switching capacitor circuit through the compensation circuit to impro
源码类型:C-C++             源码分类:Energy industry
  Relative-permittivity-of-water-and-ice.-frequency.rar 2013-01-12 726 KB
Relative permittivity of water and ice. frequency
源码类型:CSharp             源码分类:Energy industry
  gn.rar 2013-01-12 4154 KB
物业供暖管理系统是珍对物业公司每年度对用户进行供暖信息采集,维护及查询报表的一整套管理系统,本软件具有自主知识产权,是为北京某物业公司量身定做的一套软件.-Property heating system is a treasure for propert
源码类型:Java             源码分类:Energy industry
  zhxl-7000-VB-0.rar 2013-01-12 729 KB
低压配电柜的测控系统,实现遥控和遥测,实时监测系统的电压电流,同时能监测系统内的各种开关状态,此外还能实现对断路器的遥控跳闸-Low-voltage distribution cabinet and control system to achieve remote control and t
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Energy industry
  MARKET-OPERATIONS-IN-Electric-Power-Systems.rar 2013-01-12 4220 KB
MARKET OPERATIONS IN Electric Power Systems
源码类型:PDF             源码分类:Energy industry
  DELAY_ST.rar 2013-01-12 3 KB
用ST语言编写 倍福PLC 4模拟量输出程序.请用Twincat程序打开运行-ST language used Beckhoff PLC 4 analog output program, please open the program to run with Twincat
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Energy industry
  CEPRI-about-Microgrid.rar 2013-01-12 3153 KB
CEPRI微网模型实验以及分布式发电技术与微型电网-CEPRI Presentation about Microgrid and DES
源码类型:PDF             源码分类:Energy industry
  Sea-wind-power-system-.rar 2013-01-12 491 KB
海上风电系统介绍,包括:介绍、阵列电缆、集电系统、海上分电站、传输到海岸、岸上工作、总结等。-Sea wind power system is introduced
源码类型:PDF             源码分类:Energy industry
  MethTest.rar 2013-01-12 1835 KB
用于瓦斯监测系统的上位程序,包括串口通信模块、数据采集模块、图形显示模块、信息处理模块等。可以实现自动标定过程控制。-Gas monitoring system for the upper procedures, including serial communication module
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Energy industry
  DecodeSMV.rar 2013-01-12 10 KB
IEC61850 过程层SV采样值解码源程序,是用VC++ 编写的,有详细的注释以及sv报文示例,是初学者的宝贵代码-SV samples IEC61850 layer decoding process source, is written with VC++, there are detailed notes and examp
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Energy industry
  DecodeGOOSE.rar 2013-01-12 10 KB
智能变电站过程层GOOSE报文解码示例,里边有数据集的详细解码,是从业者的宝贵资料,是用VC++编写的-Intelligent Substation GOOSE message decoding process layer example, inside a detailed decoding of the data set
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Energy industry
  SMV-GOOSE-SNTP-Test-Tools.rar 2013-01-12 567 KB
模拟发送GOOSE SV SNTP等,是智能变电站应用开发的实用工具,详细的说明在压缩包里边,压缩包里包含三个压缩包,分别是集成测试工具、协议安装包、协议安装说明等。-Analog transmission GOOSE SV SNTP, are intelligent app
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Energy industry
  coding.rar 2013-01-12 45 KB
分类:电力系统。功能:实现分布式电网的潮流计算~~含报告~~3年前我自己写的。。。(要是审查不通过也就算了)-Power system analysis. It was a report for an graduate power course in a top 3 universities at power m
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:Energy industry
  OptimalControlOfWindPowerGeneration.rar 2013-01-12 2896 KB
《风力发电系统优化控制》――罗马尼亚Iulian Munteanu ,书中所有例子,matlab文件,适合风力发电电控系统工作者仿真学习-&quot Optimal control of wind power generation system&quot - Romanian Iulian Munteanu, all
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:Energy industry
  mppt.rar 2013-01-12 2369 KB
关于太阳能最大功率跟踪很好的英文文献,供大家参考-Maximum power tracking of solar energy well in English literature, for your reference
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:Energy industry
  dianfei.rar 2013-01-12 1695 KB
一个以镇为单位的供电所电费管理系统,C+S结构-A town as a unit of the electricity supply management system, C+ S structure
源码类型:Visual Basic             源码分类:Energy industry
  show.rar 2013-01-12 278 KB
能源行业阀门控制器的人机界面控制程序主要包括:按键控制功能显示阀门计算红外遥控功能输出-Energy industry valve controller human-machine interface control procedures include: key control valve calculation
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Energy industry
  XUYAOHW2.rar 2013-01-12 14 KB
电力系统潮流程序。标6,7,8的是潮流程序,其中写main标记的是主程序,NR―powerflow的是newton raphson方法的潮流计算,另外两个分别是decouple和fast decouple方法。-Power flow program. 6,7,8 is the trend of the standa
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:Energy industry
  power.rar 2013-01-12 24 KB
power flow 为电力系统潮流计算程序,通过该程序可以计算电力系统有功和无功分配.为电力系统调度提供参考。wyy.m为电力系统潮流计算程序。IEEE14为潮流计算所用数据。word 文档为20100507电力系统潮流计算数据结构说明
源码类型:matlab             源码分类:Energy industry
  IEEE39.rar 2013-01-12 6 KB
atp是电力系统暂态仿真软件,在atp仿真软件上建立了IEEE三机九节点的仿真模型,并得到了潮流及稳定的仿真结果-atp is the power system transient simulation software, simulation software in the atp built on the IE
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Energy industry
  caimei.rar 2013-01-12 2 KB
采煤机控制源码程序,用于煤矿安全教育自动化控制教学-Shearer control source program for coal mine safety education teaching automatic control
源码类型:C-C++             源码分类:Energy industry
  pipe.rar 2013-01-12 280 KB
输入管路模型求得管路的水利坡降,中转站输量随时间变化量-Seek input pipe water pipe gradient model, a transit point variation with time lost, etc.
源码类型:Visual C++             源码分类:Energy industry
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  1. PartialDischarge
  2. neidianfa
  3. Vchuli
  4. a
  5. WaterPro-v7.0P
  6. fdmpi_v_1.1
  7. Power-Detection
  8. DLT698-200X
  9. hankejuzhenbianhuan
  10. IEEE5