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源码名称: hhh
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Visual Basic
源码分类: hospital software system
文件大小: 1 KB
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源码作者 : lijian
整理时间: 2013-01-02
源码简介: 药品管理是医院药品管理的核心,是节流增收最有潜力的环节。本药品管理系统是实现发药与库存管理一体化,整个药剂科药物流、财务流一体化,药品价格实现统一调整。-Medicines management is the core of hospital medicines management is the most potential to increase savings levels. The drug management system for medicine is to achieve integration with inventory management, the entire Department of Pharmacy drug flow, financial flow integration, drug prices adjusted to achieve reunification.

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