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源码名称: oaed_zn_tb
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: ASP
源码分类: OA
文件大小: 3202 KB
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源码作者 : 黄伟基
整理时间: 2013-01-29
源码简介: OA企业智能办公自动化系统边缘特别版功能非常强大的OA系统1.仿WINDOWS操作界面,操作简单方便,易于上手;2.系统主菜单采用仿资源管理器样式的树形菜单,系统功能一目了然;3.功能强大,目前功能已完全能满足日常办公需要 管理用户名和密码:admin/admin123456789-OA Office Automation System Enterprise Intelligent Edge Special Edition features a very powerful OA system 1. Imitation WINDOWS interface, operation is simple and convenient, easy to fly 2. System main menu using imitation Explorer style tree menu system functions at a glance 3 . powerful, the current function has been fully able to meet the needs of day-to-day office management of a user name and password: admin/admin123456789

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