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源码名称: aspwanshangchaoshi
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: Visual Basic
源码分类: Shop supermarket software system
文件大小: 1814 KB
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源码作者 : wangyinmu
整理时间: 2013-01-08
源码简介: 实现了,会员和普通客户的注册。实现了在线客户的购物 后台管理员通过客户是否付费,然后发送货物 网站管理员对会员和普通客户的删除,以及后台的销售管理 管理员对货物的查询,增加,对销售情况的查询 -Achieved, members and the general customer s registration. The realization of an online customer s shopping backstage whether a customer has paid through the administrator, and then send the goods webmaster of ordinary members and customers to delete, as well as sales management background inquiries administrator of goods, an increase of sales inquiries

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