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源码名称: OnlineShoppingSystem
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: ASP
源码分类: Shop supermarket software system
文件大小: 451 KB
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源码作者 : 梅陇猪
整理时间: 2013-01-08
源码简介: 网上购物系统是随着电子商务的发展而发展起来的,它简单、快捷、成本低,越来越受人们的欢迎。网上购物系统主要有以下功能:商品的展示,搜索商品的功能,虚拟购物车,顾客个人信息记录,安全的网上支付。其中,商品的展示可以供顾客浏览和挑选。搜索功能允许你通过各种参数来搜索所售商品。顾客可以把购买的商品放到购物车保存直到他离开。信息记录把顾客的购买情况记录下来可以让顾客查看他们的购物记录。你可以选择不同支付方式付款。系统对顾客来说是非常方便的。系统采用ASP技术,基于B/S结构,用SQL Server 2000作为数据库。-online shopping system, with the development of e-business and develop, it is simple, quick, low cost, increasingly welcomed by the people. Online shopping system has the following main functions : commodity display, search functions commodities, virtual shopping cart record your personal information, security of online payments. Within this total, the value of the displays for customers to browse and selection. Search function allows you to pass parameters to search for merchandise sold. Customers can buy the merchandise into trucks to keep until he left. The customer information records of the purchase of record allows customers to check their records. You can choose different payment means of payment. System to customers is very convenient. ASP system technology, based on B/S structur

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