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源码名称: swmmh50022_gui
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual Basic
源码分类: Graph Drawing
文件大小: 685 KB
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源码作者 : 文心
整理时间: 2013-09-12
源码简介: 雨水管理模型是排水系统设计、运行和管理的基本依据和重要工具,历来受到排水企业、科研和教学部门的重视。SWMM作为一套功能齐全、界面友好、易于使用的优秀免费软件,得到广泛应用,成为许多商业软件的核心,也为排水系统的科学研究提供了便利。但是由于该软件为英文界面,目前只在国内部分高校、软件开发企业等小范围得到使用。而对于广大从事排水系统设计、运行和管理的工程技术人员,以及进入专业学习阶段的大学生,尽快掌握该软件的使用方法还具有一定难度。因此为普及雨水管理模拟软件在排水各部门、各层次的应用,促进排水系统的设计、运行和管理水平,将该软件的代码、界面、用户手册、使用手册和帮助文件翻译成中文是非常必要的。-Stormwater management model is the drainage system design, operation and management of the fundamental basis and important tool, drainage enterprises, research and teaching department of the attention has always been. SWMM as a fully featured, user-friendly, excellent free software is easy to use, is widely used as the core of many commercial software, but also facilitate the scientific research of the drainage system. However, due to the software interface is in English, only a small range of the domestic part of the universities, and software development enterprises to be used. For the majority in the drainage system design, operation and management of engineering and technical personnel, as well as college students into professional learning stage, to master the use of the software as soon as possible with a certain degree of difficulty. Universal stormwater management simulation software in various departments of the drainage, the application of all levels to promote the drainage s

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