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本书围绕5个主题领域来组织本书的内容:概述、企业应用、系统、最终用户应用和编程语言。本书让最优秀的设计师和架构师来描述他们选择的软件架构,剥开架构的各层,展示他们如何让软件做到实现功能、可靠、易用、高效率、可维护、可移植和优雅。中文清晰版-Book book is organized around five thematic areas: an overview of enterprise applications, systems, and end-user applications and programming languages. Book so that the best designers and architects to describe the software architecture of their choice, peel architecture layers, show how they let the software do to achieve functional, reliable, easy-to-use, high-efficiency, maintainable, portable and elegant. Chinese clear version