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一个VC++版的库存系统,数据库使用的是SQLServer2000,数据库备份文件在Database文件夹中,这个库存管理系统是《亮剑Visual C++项目开发案例导航》随书光盘中的一个项目实例源码,使用VC++6.0可直接编译源代码,库存系统的功能比较基础,只是一些商品的添加、删除、修改、出库查询与登记等,适合学习VC++数据库编程的朋友们参考学习。-A VC++ version of the inventory system, the database is SQLServer2000, database backup files in the Database folder, the inventory management system is the " Sword Visual C++ Project Development Case Navigation with a project source code examples in the book CD, use VC++6.0, can directly compile the source code inventory system functional basis for comparison, are just some of the goods to add, delete, modify, queries and registration suitable for learning VC++ database programming friends refer to learning.