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源码名称: qcwxglxt
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: SQL Server
文件大小: 14953 KB
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源码作者 : cattle
整理时间: 2013-09-12
源码简介: 汽车修理管理系统编写的目的是使汽车修理厂由单一的人工管理到计算机管理的飞跃,使汽车修理厂的管理的效率得到很大的提高,使人工管理的出错的机会大大减少,实现数据的共享,便于查询自己的数据信息,使汽车修理厂的业务的流程时间大大减少,从而可以提高该汽车修理厂的竞争性,在社会有立足之地。-Auto repair management system written in leap by a single manual management to computer management to make the auto repair shop, auto repair shop management efficiency has been greatly improved, greatly reducing the chance of error of the artificial management, to achieve data shared, easy to query their own data, the auto repair shop' s business process time is greatly reduced, which can improve the competitiveness of the auto repair shop, a foothold in the community.

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