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目前人力资源管理系统的发展已经相对成熟,其相应的管理软件也比较多,做此课题主要熟悉相应的管理框架,以及学习使用三成架构分析问题、解决问题的能力。企业人事管理是企业管理的一个重要内容,随着时代的进步,企业也逐渐变得庞大起来.如何管理好企业内部员工的信息,成为企业管理中的一个大的问题.在这种情况下,一个可以规范化,自动化的企业人事管理系统就显的非常必要。-At present, human resources management systems have been relatively sophisticated, and its corresponding management software and more and more to do with this subject, mainly the regulatory framework, as well as the architecture study the use of analysis into three questions, problem-solving abilities. Personnel management is an important aspect of management, with the progress of time, enterprises have gradually become a huge up. Well how to manage internal employee information, business management has become a big problem. In such cases, a standardized, automated personnel management system is necessary on the obvious.