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源码名称: labormange
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 5575 KB
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源码作者 : 江荣
整理时间: 2013-07-06
源码简介: 本系统实现了以下功能: 系统界面设计美观、友好; 智能化程度高、操作灵活、方便; 系统运行稳定、安全可靠; 反应快速、计算准确; 实现新员工入职登记、查询修改及入职合同的录入、编辑; 登记并可以浏览日常考勤信息; 记录公司定期的员工考核成绩; 实现部门用人申请的登记; 实现应聘者信息备档; 实现工资单自动录入及缺勤原因的扣资计算。-The system has realized the following features:  system interface design beautiful, friendly  highly intelligent, flexible and convenient  system is running stable, safe and reliable  respond quickly and accurately calculated  recruits new staff to achieve the registration, the query modify the contract and the entry input, editing  registered and can browse the daily attendance information  record company' s regular staff appraisal results  department personnel to achieve registration of the application  prepared to achieve information on the candidate profile  achieve payroll Automatic Input and the reasons for absence be calculated deduction.

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