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源码名称: HRMan
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: CSharp
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 4538 KB
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源码作者 : 马明
整理时间: 2013-07-06
源码简介: 在使用时需把源码文件DataAccess.cs中的数据源路径该为自己文件所在,数据库文件为HRM文件夹下的HRManBeifen.mdf。开发平台问vs2008与sqlexpress。软件功能:该软件为人力资源管理系统,主要有人事档案管理,人事关系管理,薪酬管理,系统管理四部分。注意系统的登录时用户为下拉列表中的一项,密码与用户名相同。-The need to use the data source file DataAccess.cs source path where the document itself, the database file folder for the HRM' s HRManBeifen.mdf. Q vs2008 development platform and sqlexpress. Software features: The software for human resources management system, mainly personnel management, human relations management, compensation management, and system management of four parts. Note that the system logon user, a drop-down list, password and user name the same.

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  • HRManager
  • HrManageSystem
  • HrManager
  • aspHrmanage
  • HrManage
  • HRManager
  • HrManage

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