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源码名称: ABC
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 3 KB
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源码作者 : wangchengxuyuan
整理时间: 2013-07-06
源码简介: 公司人员管理系统实现对公司人员按姓名或者编号显示、查找、增加、删除和保存各类人员信息的操作。某小型公司,主要有四类人员:经理、兼职技术人员、销售经理和兼职推销员。现在,需要存储这些人员的姓名、编号、级别、当月薪水,计算月薪总额并显示全部信息。 要求: 其中,人员编号在生成人员信息时同时生成,每输入一个人员信息编号顺序加1。 程序对所有人员有提升级别的功能 薪的计算方法是:经理拿固定月薪,兼职技术人员按工作小时数领取月薪,兼职推销员的报酬按该推销员当月销售额提成 ,销售经理既拿固定月薪也领取销售提成。 能按姓名或者编号显示、查找、增加、删除和保存各类人员的信息 -The company personnel management system to achieve by name or company personnel display, search, add Numbers to save, delete and the operation of all kinds of personnel information.A small company, mainly has four kinds of personnel: manager, part-time technical personnel, sales manager and part-time salesman. Now, need to store these researchers names, Numbers, rank and calculated the total monthly salary, and shows all information monthly salary.Requirements:Among them, the staff Numbers in generating personnel information generated per input a personnel information, increased by 1. Number orderProgram on all personnel have ascension level of functionSalary is calculated with fixed salary: manager, part-time technical personnel according to work hours, part-time salesman paid monthly remuneration according to the monthly sales rep commission, with sales manager to both fixed salary also obtain sales commissions.According to name or Numbers show, search, add, delete and sa

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