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源码名称: HRM
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: CSharp
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 3826 KB
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源码作者 : 骑士精神
整理时间: 2013-07-06
源码简介: 根据企业对人事管理的要求,本系统可以实现以下目标: 操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。 在查看员工信息时,可以对当前员工的家庭情况、培训情况进行添加、修改、删除的操作。 方便快捷的全方位数据查询。 按照指定的条件对员工进行统计。 可以将员工信息以表格的形式插入到Word文档中。 实现数据库的备份、还原及清空的操作。 由于该系统的使用对象较多,要有较好的权限管理。 能够在当前运行的系统中重新进行登录。 系统运行稳定、安全可靠。-Personnel management according to business requirements, the system can achieve the following objectives: simple operation, the interface simple and beautiful. In view employee information, you can on the current family situation of employees, training situationAdd, modify, and delete operations. the full range of convenient data query. according to specified conditions on the staff statistics. employee information can be inserted into a table in the form of Word document. implement database backup, restore, and clear operations. As the system s use of the object more, have better rights management. able to run the system in the current re-login. system is stable, safe and reliable.

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  • HHRMS-System
  • HRMS
  • Vbhrm
  • HRMS
  • HrManageSystem
  • HrManager
  • HRMS
  • HRMS
  • aspHrmanage

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