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源码名称: student-management
文件类型: .zip
源码类型: Visual C++
源码分类: ERP-EIP-OA-Portal
文件大小: 141 KB
热    度:
源码作者 : dongjie
整理时间: 2013-07-06
源码简介: 问题的提出:编程建立学生成绩管理系统。要求具有以下功能:一个学生的信息包括学号、姓名、英语成绩、语文成绩、数学成绩,要求输入每位学生的信息并显示这些信息;同时计算每位学生的总分即英语、语文、数学成绩之和,并对输入的若干学生按总分排名,按总分名次输出每位学生及其信息;最后计算这些学生的英语平均分、语文平均分和数学平均分,并输出结果-Of the problem: programming the establishment of student achievement management system. Requires the following features: a student information, including Student ID, name, English language achievement, math, and asked to enter the information of each student and display the information calculate the total score of each student, namely English Language, Mathematics academic performance, and enter the number of students according to the total score ranking, each student and their information output by the total score ranking the final calculation of the average of these students' English language the average and mathematics average scores and output the result

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  • student-manage
  • Student-Management-System
  • Student-Management--System
  • Student-management-system
  • VB.net2005Student-management-system
  • Student-management-system
  • student-manager
  • Student-Mange
  • Student-Manege-System-(console)
  • Code-of-student-management-system

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