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源码名称: ad603test
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: C-C++
源码分类: Goverment application
文件大小: 1841 KB
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源码作者 : zhanxiaohong
整理时间: 2013-01-10
源码简介: AD603是美国ADI公司利用专利技术生产的一种低噪声增益可程控集成运算放大器,可广泛用于射频自动增益放大、视频增益控制、A/D转换时的量程控制和信号测量系统中。本文介绍了AD603的工作原理及使用要点,给出了以AD603为核心构成的应用电路。 -AD603 is using ADI s patented technology to produce a low-noise programmable gain amplifier integration, can be widely used in RF automatic gain amplification, video gain control, A/D conversion of the range control and signal measurement system. This article describes the working principle of the AD603 and the use of points given to AD603 for the core components of the application circuit.

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