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源码名称: netshop
文件类型: .rar
源码类型: ASP
源码分类: Goverment application
文件大小: 2927 KB
热    度:
源码作者 : 风起云
整理时间: 2013-01-10
源码简介: 软件开发的意图与应用目标:本项目依托asp技术,以计算机软硬件网上商店销售为蓝本进行设计,最终开发出的系统应有以下特点:具有初级的交互功能,维护简单,用户可自行在网站上浏览及选购商品,并可以适合绝大多数网上用户进行电子商务活动的购物网站系统。作用范围:本系统是作为一家销售公司的在基于网络提供网上售货的系统。主要是为客户买货提供便利。在后台需要管理员对系统信息等的管理。软件与其他有关软件之间的关系:本产品是一项独立的软件,全部内容自含。本软件项目的开发目标是学习小组项目开发管理的流程及利用ASP.NET技术结合数据库开发一定规模的网络商城系统,同时,也希望最终产品能真正运用到现实中来。-Software development and application of the intention of objectives: The project relies on asp technology, computer hardware and software online shop design is based on sales, and ultimately the development of the system should have the following features: the interaction of a primary function, the maintenance is simple, users can browse the website and purchase goods and may be suitable for the vast majority of Internet users to e-commerce website system activities. Range: The system is as a sale of the company s network to provide Internet-based sales system. Mainly to facilitate the buying customers. The need for an administrator in the background information on the system management. Software and other related software, the relationship between: This product is an independent software, the entire contents of self-contained. The software project development objective is to study the development of the Sub-project management processes and the use of ASP.NET technology s

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  • ST_NetShopSystem
  • ASP.NETnetshop

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